My ex who cheated on me and got another woman pregnant. My gut instincts were right, I should’ve ran

This dude and I went out for 8 years:

About 5 years into our relationship some strange Asian lady messaged me saying that my bf was her bf. They were going out for 2 years. She sent me screenshots. I asked him about it and of course he denied it. But the screenshots sounded exactly how he typed. I kept being with him even though I knew in my gut something wasn’t right. And then one day he told me he didn’t love me anymore. He said he didn’t want to be together anymore. And then a few days later I found out from his sister he got another girl pregnant. We broke up and I blocked him everywhere. I hadnt spoken to him since October 2018.


My ex made a new Facebook and he has pics of his new baby... I made the mistake of searching his name. And there it is. The proof I needed. The girl he told me that he wasn’t cheating on me with. He actually was.

and he got married and his whole family is there with the woman he claimed he wasn’t cheating on me with... his mom and the girls mom look happy sitting together.

The proof is all there.

I texted him and he said we had nothing

Nothing for 8 years, nothing.

His family was “in love with me” but they were there at his wedding smiling and acting like nothing happened.

I don’t think I’ll be able to trust again

I can’t believe I broke no contact. But it felt good to let out on this piece of scum

Girls please listen to your gut. It’s always right ....