I really hope I'm not getting my hopes up

TW- So little back story the hubby and I have been trying since April of this year and I know that's not a long time compared to some but back towards the beginning of June I had a miscarriage. It hit me harder than I thought it would and I just gave up on even trying because our families both sides started telling me I wasn't ready and I shouldn't do it. Fast forward to now my last period was August 18 I have 28 day cycles like clock work. According to our lovely calendar friend him I'm 9 days late at the moment. The last 4 days I've had light pink/ rust colored spotting every morning when I wake up. But nothing throughout the day so I'm assuming its implantation bleeding. But every test I take even the ones that are supposed to tell you early come back negative. And this morning my light cramping has turned into what feels like my usual period cramping. I feel like I'm getting my hopes up and my period is gonna end up coming and I don't want to call my doctor just for him to tell me im not pregnant either I'm sorry for the long read but other than my husband I have really no one to reach out to that won't bash me...