So I went to my RE on Friday which was CD 12 and thought I may have ovulated after a temp drop that day but during the ultrasound she said she didn’t see any signs of ovulation or that I was about to. Today is CD 16 and I had a little bit of EWCM and the test you see below... is it even possible to be ovulating tomorrow or the next day if she didn’t see anything on the ultrasound on Friday? I ovulated on CD 32 last cycle but for about a month and a half I’ve been taking OvaBoost (4000mg myo-inositol, melatonin, co-q10, and folate) and on Monday switched to Ovasitol and OvaVite. Im thinking maybe that shortened and regulated my cycle but the whole ultrasound thing has me confused... could an egg have developed over 4-5 days?