It Can Only Get Better From Here... Right?!


We just got back from traveling on Sunday night. We’re moving houses tomorrow so I wasn’t too concerned with unpacking. So, my bag with all of the beauty products I have is on the living room floor. Most of the products in it are about $30-60 each. Had a huge “treat yourself” breakdown during pregnancy 😂😂


Last night when I grabbed my face wipes out of the bag, I noticed they were wet and I said “damn it. Something leaked. Oh well” and wiped off the container and used the makeup remover. (It was dark, couldn’t see, didn’t think twice about it)

This morning, after getting out of the shower, I went to grab my leave in conditioner and face serum. They were soaking wet. And there was this overwhelming smell of cat pee. I look at the bag again and it is COVERED IN ANIMAL PEE.

I’ve used my toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, face wipes.... having a baby has made me OCD about the animals and I am constantly washing my hands so I want to just soak myself in antibacterial liquids😂😂

Both our dogs have been carefully watched lately, they never do this stuff so it wasn’t them. My cat has only ever had accidents when he didn’t have access to a litter box or had stomach upset from eating a string.

...the cat we just rescued from being left outside (previous indoor cat) is the only one with a history of going outside of the litter box.

I’m gonna go cry now.