Cervical Ectropion/Cervical Erosion-anyone else?

I went to the doctor for pain during and after sex, light occasional spotting, light bleeding after sex and pain in my lower back. I've also had changes to my periods over the past four years since I got my copper IUD (brown, old smelly blood before period, etc). I went because I'm terrified of having cervical cancer despite having had clear PAP tests for the past what....9 years? My last PAP was less than a month ago. The doctor swabbed me and said I have an area of cervical erosion but he didn't really explain it or even sound worried, just said he wants to see me back in 3 months. I'm a bit scared after googling as my bf and I want to try and have kids in a few years and I'm terrified the PAP missed something serious.

Has anyone ever had this happen or been diagnosed with it?