Don’t ask questions if you don’t want to know the answer!!

My bf is literally so jealous that I’ve have done things with other dudes before him. He asked me “have you had morning sex with other dudes?” And I said yes. He asked “have you spent the night with another dude?” And I said yes. Now he’s mad that I “did ’freaky shit’ with them before I did it with him “ ( I was with other people because we stopped talking for a LONG time). He’s upset that he wasn’t my first everything but he literally has a laundry list of girls he’s had sex with before we met and during our break. He’s not mad mad but he’s being really petty right now and I’m just like 🙃

Also to add and response to a comment: lol I know spending the night and morning sex aren’t freaky but he’s referring to this one guy I did that with. I’ll him Jon. Jon was the first guy I slept over and had morning sex with (only guy except for my bf). My bf is jealous of him because Jon got to stick his finger up my butt and my bf really wants to do that. So anytime Jon gets brought up, my bf always compares himself to Jon.