Some jersey photography


I wanted to share some photos I took if my dog all dressed up in some of her many costumes. She's a lab who loves to dress up and knows how to ask for her clothes. We only use them when it's cold but during winter she sometimes will refuse to let you take her clothes off unless you put them right back on again 😂

She also has 2 sets of socks for when we put coconut oil on her pawpads and will be getting a pair of shoes at some point (She has to be muzzled for dog reactivity but when muzzled she has cut her nose with her paws so I want to try shoes on her to stop her cutting her nose with her claws.)

This blue unicorn one says "unicorn trainer" on the back

Her oldest top that says trouble maker (she can be a big brat sometimes)

Her gym top that says "the park is my gym" (mostly brought for my husband so she matches him when he's in his gym clothes)