I feel like I'm missing a big part of me


So basically my fiance is a farmer so we are in Australia where the water is disappearing faster than we can prepare for. We are struggling with money horribly. A couple months ago after being kicked out of our paddock I had to make the heartbreaking choice to sell my horse 😭 I also had to sell my work dog, she and I had the best bond id ever had with a dog.

Only then to find out I'm pregnant.

I'm now 27 weeks pregnant and our money situation is Only getting harder. We can barely eat.

It's becoming so hard for me to relax. I'm scared and stressed and my fiance is all I've got. We have another dog between us cause she's too hyper for me to play with cause she's a big girl and jumps up hard so I don't wanna hurt my baby.

Everyday I think about my horse and my dog and I feel horrible. Working with horses is my passion. I have been riding school horses since I was 10 before getting my first horse at 17. But I have loved horses my whole life. So to have it all ripped away from me I'm not coping. My fiance knows I'm struggling but i won't talk about it cause I know he feels bad he can't give me my horse back.

Idk what to do. And it doesn't help when one of my fiances friends just went out and bought 7 horses all costing up $7000-$10,000! And I can't even keep one 😞 plus I've got a beautiful baby girl on the way so all the stress and depression isn't good for any of us.

I had to switch phones with another family member so I lost all my photos but I found this one of my girl 😞😭