PCOS & hypothyroidism (???)

Okay ladies... about 10 years ago doctors thought I had PCOS because I went 2 months without a period, facial hair on my chin, acne, skin tags, and was overweight. After many blood test, an MRI, an ultrasound, and being put on birth control (along with being sent to other doctors and one moving away) i had one tell me he didn't think I had PCOS because I lost 50lbs by myself. So he looked at just my thyroid and put me on levothyroxine.

Now to the present, I am 27 years old, recently married and on month 6 of TTC (obviously stopped b.c. 6 months ago). Still taking the levothyroxine but I was curious about the facial hair thing again and (even tho Google itself is not a doctor) I searched "can hypothyroidism cause facial hair?" And from what I found it basically said no. Also found hypothyroidism is found in pcos.... so... my obgyn told me a few months ago to try for 18 months before he "looks into it". I go back in Nov. For a pap. Should I bring up PCOS again? And tell him I am still concerned I have it? Or just do as he says, basically suck it up and try for another long 12 months before I let him "look into it"?