I’ve come to the point where I’m not going to accept the verbal and slight physical abuse anymore because I don’t deserve it and my newborn son doesn’t deserve the be around it either. I’m ready to leave. The only issue is that I love his other kids and all the bills are in my name and the vehicles are mine so his entire life will just be flipped and basically go up in flames. How do I deal with the guilt of that while being strong enough to leave him? He’s really crazy so when I do pack up he’s gonna yell and scream and push me and maybe throw my stuff and he’s gonna try to keep my son from me and all this stuff is going to go down, what’s the best way to deal with it or prevent it? I’m tired of being called useless when I literally slave all day watching his kids and doing everything for him while he enjoys acting like he has no responsibilities. It’s made me depressed, being abused and feeling so trapped at home with kids I didn’t make.