Early pregnancy signs?


I’m on the birth control pill and have been for about 6 years now. Recently in the last 2-2 1/2 weeks I’ve missed 1-2 sometimes 3 pills in a row and had unprotected sex and finished inside me (he is my s/o) and i did miss 1-2 pills again about 3 days ago I wanna say and had sex again. I don’t have periods on this new pill I’m on and haven’t in over 180 days so I don’t know when the last time I had a period was etc. now for the last 3-5 days I’ve been so tired no matter how much I sleep, or drink caffeine, the last 2 days I can go all day no food and not be hungry and normally I can’t go more than 4 hours without food and I’m super nauseated for 2 days. Should I take a test? Is any of this early signs? I had a chemical pregnancy in February so I’m a little scared 😫