Mom bashing


So this girl is the girlfriend of one of my former best friends. She and her girlfriend don’t want kids, which is 100% fine obviously. But they seem to think that most moms just want extra privileges and to brag about how accomplished we are.

Being a mom is a raw, amazing thing that this girl will never understand. Do I feel accomplished that I laid down on a table and got cut open with no fear for myself, that I’m raising a super smart, capable little girl who loves everyone around her? Hell yes I do. I’ve done some amazing things in my life before I had her, but nothing comes close to her. It’s probably not the hardest thing someone ever experienced like she said, but it’s the hardest thing I ever experienced and that counts for something. I’m a valid person too.

I know you can’t change the way people think—but this just makes me sad. Are there some spoiled and entitled women out there? Sure. But saying that all moms are like that is just stupid. Confrontation makes me nervous so I didn’t engage her anymore, but I feel like I need a virtual hug from other moms!