Old selfs


My husband told me the other day he missed me. I was like ??? you’ve been home all day he’s like no the old you before the babies (I’m 8 months pregnant). He’s so right. I’m definitely not the fun, care free person anymore. I really don’t blame him for missing me because I miss me i miss him I use to have a personality I use to have friends and go out and look semi cute we use to have conversations about things other than bills or babies. lately I feel lost like my life is nothing but appointments, breakfast, dinner bath time and repeat. I go to the doctor twice a week for my pregnancy and my 2 year old has therapy once a week but soon it’ll be three times a week 😮 not to mention the random appointments we have for other things. Life has hit us hard and I’m emotional and missing my pre baby life. I in no way would trade my life or babies for anything but I’d be lying if I said I don’t miss old me. Sorry guys random rant.