He got mad at me???

So I’m generally a very nice person. And I try especially hard to never say rude things in front of my 1 1/2 year old. But today I said forget that!

I was at HEB picking up a few things. In line, my son was acting silly and playing with me. All the sudden he tensed up. This older man behind me said “you know they have an express lane for people like you who don’t have a lot of items.” I told him I’m using a card I couldn’t use in that lane although I didn’t think I needed to explain myself to this stranger. He then said “what kind of card is that?” I didn’t feel comfortable talking about my payment method with a stranger so I just kept on about my business. He then said “women just spend mens money and do nothing all day. That’s probably what you’re doing.” I started to get irritated at this point. But I ignored him. My son started whining and the guy said “aw did I upset him.” I told him that he was fine and continued looking at my son. The old man said “you know I was married 4 times. I don’t think women are worth it. I would never have kids with someone cause then you’re stuck with a useless lazy person.” At this point I’m literally biting my tongue trying not to say something. Then he says “I bet your husband regrets marrying you cause he has to work and you just get to sit at home.” So I said, “actually, my husband loves me and loves the fact that we have an equal relationship, not that you know anything about us. And considering 4 different women divorced you and after hearing you these past 3 minutes. I can safely say YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.” He then tells the cashier (who is now scanning my items and has been rolling his eyes at every remark this dude said) that I need to pay for his groceries for being so rude. I then said “no that’s okay, my husband wouldn’t like my lazy self spending money on even lazier, rude, ignorant people like you.” Then I quickly paid and left. I can’t stand people.