Shitty “friends”!!!!!


So, my husband’s “best friend” is a female and her youngest daughter is his god daughter. Ever since I’ve known her, which is a year this month, she has talked down to my husband, called him names, while at the same time being extremely clingy and guilt trips the HELL out of him when she wants us to come to her house and hang out. She will get SO mad over stupid shit and then calm down and act like things are okay. I have kept my cool and not reacted due to the fact that I don’t want my sweet husband to lose his godchild. I’ve lost 2 of them and it broke my heart.

Today, I was informed that she pulled him aside and told him that her husband wants to completely cut off communications with us when they move in 3 weeks, due to them being in the military. I’m not clear on the reasons, BUT I am LIVID. How DARE she treat him like shit, while pretending to be MY friend bc it’s convenient and she’s lonely. And also, using me to babysit her children and animals when it’s convenient for them! I just don’t understand how you can do that to someone you claim is your best friend and you named your child’s godparent!