Real life sucks!


My husband and I are first time parents. We have a 3 week old daughter and before we became parents his family never respected me at all and I was fine with it because obviously I stuck around, right? Now that I’m a mother I don’t tolerate his family or my family being disrespectful etc today I realized that no matter how much of a fantastic and beautiful father he is, we won’t ever work out. He’ll always choose his family over ME and now I have to make the hard decision to walk away and co parent.

If anyone is wondering, since my little girl has arrived we have constantly been arguing about his family being disrespectful towards me like TRYING TO SNATCH MY DAUGHTER OUT OF MY ARMS etc that’s just one argument/problem of many in 3 weeks etc I’m tired of correcting his family and watching my husband torn because he’s very close to his family. I won’t continue to beg him to love me like I love him or come between him and his family even though we are his family. I’m well aware, he isn’t. 7 years down the drain and a huge blessing out of it just to not be together or anything changed .