Felt like a scene in a movie

S, here my husband and I kissing each other, getting each other naked, you know that hot passionate steaming, get it on right now, sessions.

Oh man, waited all week to have some alone time together. So he pushes me on the bed, kissing and now we both are naked, and he looks at me so passionately

I want it so bad, I can't stand it and out of nowhere tells me

"I sticks this d**k in your vag" in his Paul Rudd voice on the Wanderlust movie bathroom/bedroom scene!! 🤦

Okay, so if you've never seen this movie, drop what you are doing and go see it now!

Y'all he did the face and everything.

So here we are, his penis is rock hard still inside me and both of us are dead laughing so hard for a good 5 minutes but I'm the one who can't seem to stop laughing everytime I open my eyes to look at him.

I over hete like this getting it on and he tells me "shut up, I'm trying to f**k you" and puts a pillow over my face. Okay, so I'm still laughing, you know those moments where you cant seem to stop. Yeah it HAD to be at this time. So I gather myself up a bit from not being able to breathe from pillow laughing and I held in my laughter long enough for him to finish, I couldn't get off at this point and kept laughing so hard I squirted all over him from that urge to let go. Y'all I am not making this up.

It was a first time for the both of us and of course, we keep laughing. I was done 😂 It felt like a scene from a movie gone wrong.