Is it rape?


A former partner of mine sexually assaulted me over a year ago, but I haven’t really told many people that I know. I’m scared to tell my mom because I don’t want her to get upset.

Anyway, multiple times while kissing they would run a finger on my (clothed) vagina or rub it with their hand without my consent. They never did it for long because I would push them away, but they never asked before touching me like that. They also knew I was really uncomfortable with sex, but would beg and beg until I would agree. We never actually had any kind of penetrative sex, but they did multiple times pressure/force me to get topless or naked, even when they knew I didn’t want to. They never did THAT without asking but I was always really reluctant and usually said yes just to make them stop asking. Once they got me naked they never did much; they would maybe finger me for like 1 second before going back to grabbing my breasts ( which they would bite even when I told them it hurt, and also, when first seeing them, said “I can work with this” which made me feel real confident about my small breasts :/.) Anyway, sorry for the long post, but I wanted to know if it counts as rape since, even when pressuring me into doing things, we never actually really did anything that would count as sex (manual, oral, vaginal, anal, or whatever.)

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