I need to vent long post sorry

Has anyone else with more than one kid that when they got further along with their second their first was up their ass ALL OF THE TIME! My daughter who will be three here in a couple weeks has always been SO independent. She was the child that I could set up with some toys and take a shower, she loved daycare and would run into the room and immediately start playing when I’d drop her off. She used to never really want to sit on peoples laps because she wanted to constantly be going. I’m now 31 weeks pregnant and I cannot pry this child off of me. This morning the literal second I turned the shower on she had a melt down. She woke up FOUR TIME last night just to make sure I was still there. Her sitter has to literally hold her back so I can leave for work. I hate leaving her while she’s crying and reaching for me but we can’t afford for me to stay home so I have to go to work. She has to constantly be touching me in some way. If I’m making dinner she will sitting directly behind me leaning against my legs. I don’t know why she’s doing this now or how to help her realize I’m not going anywhere. Is this just a normal phase? Can she tell we’ll be having a baby soon and that’s what’s making her clingy? I have always made sure that she is included. If we go baby shopping she always gets something too I make sure she knows that she has her own space and her own things that the baby won’t play with. This morning has just been very hard as were getting ready to go to my grandfathers funeral (my grandparents raised me so he’s more like a father to me) and my husband has been the most helpless creature on the planet. He can’t take care of our toddler for 10 minutes, he couldn’t iron his own pants, wanted to complain about a wrinkle in his shirt, just doing the literal most. I’m on edge already and I’m trying to do my make up he decides at that exact moment he needs to shave so he’s in my space my toddler is clingy to my leg (literally) and I just kind of snap and tell everyone to get out of the bathroom. I need a minute and my husband has decided to call me a bitch and tell me to actually be a mother. So now I’m hysterical because being a bad mom has always been my biggest fear. I just feel so heart broken and alone today.