Should I drop out of college?

Honestly idk what I’m doing guys.

I feel so helpless it’s my second semester and I feel like I already ruined my chance of getting into medical school and if I’m not in the medical field I don’t see the point of staying in school.

I had 6 classes and it was honestly really hard to balance because I work and I decided I wanted to join some clubs. I thought I could do it because it seems like everyone is managing 6 classes and a life outside of school.

I suck at math and I’m currently taking pre cal and I just feel so dumb. It’s so hard to understand anything and I have a F and idk If I can bring it up idk what to do because I had to drop gen chem because I wasn’t doing good and if I’m not considered a full time student fafsa won’t give me pell grant which I need.

I just want to pass my math class with a C. I’m doing good I’m my other classes like I have A’s but I just don’t feel motivated.

And it’s so much worse because I just feel like my friend is rubbing it in my face. She talks about my gpa being low and where can I go with a low gpa. She keeps saying yeah I started college bad but not as bad as you thank god for that and it’s like idk what to do? Everyone believes in me but I don’t believe in myself. I just want to lay under a blanket and never go back out.

My advisor told me it seems like a hard schedule and did I want to drop my pre calculus to college algebra but I thought I had it and I said no but I just feel like I’m not succeeding in life and I honestly want to give up so bad but like I can’t allow myself too. I can’t really tell no one how I’m feeling because it seems like everyone is doing better than me.