I'm at a loss

Why is it that EVERYONE in my ex husbands life does SO MUCH for my son. Takes time out of their lives to take him to do fun stuff and spend time with him. Watch him while I'm at work. Theyre so nice and loving towards me and my new baby and new husband. Literally everybody is SO GOOD except....his actual dad??? His dad swears hes an amazing dad. He "does it all" but has paid 0 child support(he gives me $200/m but hes on my mom's insurance and wrecked my dads car and is paying for that so thats not even money for my son, it's for his own bills) he has NEVER been to the doctor for my son or taken off work for emergencies for my son. When my son had surgery he didn't even show up even though he was "on the way". He cheated on me with his married boss and took care of HER son but never came home to take care of ours. If he does get him for the weekend he takes him to his grandma's SO SHE can take care of him. Ive filed for child support but court wants us to try and figure it out on our own before they follow up in a year. His dad tries to dictate who I have babysit, he monitors my Facebook through other peoples accounts, he drives by my house to see if im home. We've been separated for a long time. Today he called and cussed me out for something my photographer said about him to someone else. It had NOTHING to do with me literally at all and he called threatening me and cussing at me and saying he was going to pull up at my house. Court won't do anything about it because i cant "prove" anything until he gets physical with me. I Just don't know what to do. Hes CRAZY and of course she has a side to the story but he tries to spin it like hes the victim. He went to jail for almost beating a guy to death and tries to play the victim because he "needed the money so bad". Thats Just one example. No matter what he does, hes the victim and his mom and twin sister are the same way, they do drugs but since theyre on drugs they have an illness and we should all pamper them. Any advice would be helpful, I'm 13 weeks pregnant and this is a lot for me to handle right now.