I need my mom

My mom and I have always had a complicated relationship. I was not raised by her. I grew up moving to and from different aunts and uncles houses since I was 12 while she lived 4 hours away and didnt provide for me at all. Anyway I am in my mid 20s and have a 3 year old now but I still just feel like I have to fight for my moms attention. I just want my mom. I asked her all week if she wanted to come to the city parade with me and my baby on saturday and then id buy for lunch. Just have a fun day together. Well she kept saying oh idk what i have planned every day i asked her. Like what?? Im trying to make plans with you a week in advance... i just called her now and she said that she has to burn wood in the backyard on saturday is why she cant go hang out with me. Every time i call her the past few months she finds a way to be busy like oh i have to go clean the ceiling fans ill call you back... im like ok??? She has a boyfriend that recently moved in with her and she acts like I'm a bother when I try to visit. I only can go over there in the evenings and she tries to act like she has to take a shower right at 7:30 pm and rushes me to leave before the boyfriend gets home from work. I mean every time i go over there she has something to do she never sits down and talks to me. Even went over there one day and asked her if she just wanted to go ride with me to walmart and she was like oh i cant i have to mop the floors. Like that cant wait for 30 min? She always has my aunt over there eating dinner everynight and they go to the grocery store together. Even when i had a breakdown a few months ago i asked her to please come over so we could talk about this horrible thing that happen to me as a child and she drove me around and as i was still crying she was like ok i have to go pick up the boyfriend right here at the canal hes fishing but you'll be ok. She was rushing me... and not listening. We had been getting along and calling each other a lot before he moved in and I was really happy because i felt like i finally had her love i guess. I guess my feelings are just hurt. I know she has her own life and can do what she wants. I just wish she made an effort to be around me and my baby. She never invites me to go fishing with them or anything. I feel really dumb crying over this as an adult. I just want my mom but I should have known better than to get close to her again...