6 weeks and 2 days


Can't believe we're 1,5 month in. I can't wait for my ultrasound, on October 10-13th(we're not sure with the date yet, cause of my husband's work), to hear the heartbeat. I'm already being impatient and want to wake up in May, to give my bundle of joy a smooch and a hug.

This is my first pregnancy, so obviously every breath, blink, fart and all of it is a big deal to me. I look through the positives and negatives, but no matter what, I'm blessed and that I know for sure.

As of my symptoms, here they are, some are new "friends" and some are old:


Oh my god. Just a couple of days ago, I stupidly asked about morning sickness, and was rather "concerned" that I had no symptoms. I guess my body thought, "Say no more." And ever since I have this annoying feeling of nausea following me. Some scents make my eyes water, and as I run to hug my porcelain queen, all symptoms disappear(I'm blessed FOR NOW with having no vomiting, but hey, I said this last time and jinxed myself).

Constipation and Gas.

For the past three-four days, I've been walking around like a balloon, ready to explode(a prayer for my husband, who has to deal with my explosions). Such a heavy and bloated feeling.

Zero appetite.

I envy all those mamas, who have an appetite, because I force myself to eat(to take my daily dose of folic acid). Food? What is that? I either have the "I will starve all day" or the "I NEED FOOD NOW AT 2AM." And no in between.


This bad boy has been with me since day one. A loyal one. I sleep practically nonstop. Getting at night to grab some food(listed above), or to pee(which happens 100 times). I don't want to do anything, but lounge around like a seal, napping and sleeping all day. I don't even have a bump, yet!

Sore Breasts.

Now this one makes me happy. Okay, ladies, just give me a second to explain. I was always self conscious about two things in my life -- my nose and my boobs. My nose, I was supposed to get a surgery this winter(funny), but my breasts. They look so beautiful, perky and rounded. Oof. As a person with a max cup of 32b(and that is only the left boob), this hormonal change truly gave me a look of how beautiful breasts can be.

Mood Swings.

None. I'm the same old, same gold. Nothing changed. I cried at everything before pregnancy and do the same now. No sad movies, no cute pets, nothing. Unless, the people around me want to drown in my tears of joy/sadness. I have miscarriage anxieties and my heart goes out to all those strong mamas who went through it. ❤️

Mild Uterine Cramps.

Many scared me saying it's bad, others said it's normal. Well, I think and my OBGYN thinks it's alright. I get a cramp here and there, nothing too serious. Clear discharge, no spotting. My uterus is growing, and that's a very good sign(at least for me!)

Why am I posting all this? I don't know, just to share I guess. I want to hear your symptoms, what you're feeling, how you're dealing with nausea, all of it. We're in this together.

I wish you all a wonderful, easy pregnancy! ❤️