Where to go from here.....

i’m a lost FTM who is a stay-at-home-mom to a 23 month old who is......quite the sponge...she has always been a very alert baby from the time she was small. she is very observant and picks up everything she hears. We don’t live in the states and my husband works in another city from where we live so he comes n goes whenever he can or we go there for a bit. But basically I’m the one with her 24x7. She’s very chatty child and speaks 3 languages (full sentences in English)..she is also fully potty trained (@20 months). She knew her alphabet (english) by the time she was 18 months and by now knows numbers (she can say/count 1-100 in two languages and 1-20 in the third language), has number recognition, knows her colours, shapes, names of things, animals, people. I had earlier asked in the group what else should I be doing and someone suggested starting her on geography, names of places etc and so I did. So now she knows all the continents and the countries of the world and can recognise them on a map and their flags too as well as the diff states of two countries. She even knows which animal is found mainly in which region/country. E.g.- polar bear in the artic, penguins in antartica, the giant panda in china, kangaroos in Australia, camels in the deserts mainly in the gulf countries. Etc etc etc u get the drift. She picks up anything told to her once n has a quite a sharp memory. Sings songs clearly in four languages...she’s only just turned 23 months old end oct. she doesn’t go to any classes or day care as I’m home anyways to take care of her. I really don’t know where to go from here... She comes to me saying she’s “bored” n “mamma pls ask me questions” is her fav game! She also loves books and so we read together(no tv yet for her) Anyone with any advice on what else can keep her engaged? She gets lots of outdoor time n pool time and plays with animals n many toys and goes everywhere with me. We also take her to these kids play areas etc so she has kids her age to play with. she isn’t cooped at home all the time. I’m really lost as to what I should be doing with her next ????? I’m not from the states and would really appreciate some help or info about what one can do...