PLZ HELP ME My 8year old brother’s life is ruined cz of my dad

So we(little bro,mom,dad and me) were having dinner at some frnds house and when we were leaving the electricity went off before we arrive in like 10 cm but idk how but te door opened my mom and dad already got out and my little bro and there was me cz i was in the back it was so shady and kinda dark and my mom was screaming jumpppppo and my dad idk whattt IT WAS SO SCARY I JUMPED AND THE ELEVATOR KEPT GOING UP SLOWLY and then stopped halfway. So im fine and everything but my dad was screaming and my mom and i was soooo scared my heart was beating fast i got dizzy i was just fighting so i don’t pass out. And no one noticed my little brother. U know after accident and lots of screamibg and stuff u get all shady and in shockk. We in te car my dad still angryyy at my mom cz she told me to jump and he started saying what if it didn’t stop and hit her head or even closed on her. My brother was not moving he was shaking then i sat closer to him, he was having trouble breathing and his heartbeats were not normal he was shocked from what just happened i tried talking to him he wouldn’t say anything its like hes not earing meee i just hugged him and tried to comfort him and make him feel safe and trlling him we’re all fine and good. He stopped shaking and i tried changing what he thinking about i talked about Minecraft ...(btw he wasn’t crying not even a tear all the road) then when we arrived IDK WHY OR WHAT WAS WRONG WITH MY DAD HE HOLD HIS HAND PUSHED THE BUTTON FOR OUR ELEVATOR AND THEN OPENED THE DOOR AND HE WAS GOING IN THEN MY BROTHER RAN OFF AND STARTED CRYING HE WALKED THE STAIRS (we are on the first floor and me and my mom were on the stairs too)he went to his room started crying. I was sooo maddd cz my brother already was scared of elevator bcz of a story his frnd told him about so he always avoids elevators. So i went in his room closed the door got him water and tissues and comforted him and begged him to stand up and sit on the bed and not on the floor. We sat on his bed and he still couldn’t say a word so i just told him it’s okay and we are all good and fine and stuff about how elevators have a system that makes them stop halfway so no one get injured bla bla bla(i dont think it’s true but yh i was trying my best) and then after like 30 mins he said something after begging him and crying for him to say a word he said


i started crying so much but in my hearttt i just said some more stuff about how it’s impossible for such thing to happen cz of the system bla bla bla .then he said


And with this sentence i felt all shattered cz since his frnd told him that story I’m trying to help him confront his fear cz ik a frnd who is having a very hard life cz she’s afraid of elevators.

He drank the water and wiped his tears then mom came in and after she told him go say goodnight to your dad. Now he watching something on the tv with him and he’s calm so I’m kind relieved he’s okay. But when he’s gonna sleep i just hope he won’t think much or have nightmares.

I blame my dad bcz of his reaction to my mom’s reaction and the stuff he said about what could have happened. I don’t feel like even looking at him I’m so mad at him(i never was before) idk what to do i wanna help my brother I WANT MY BROTHER TO OVERCOME THIS FEAR .

SO PLEASE GUYS JUST HELP ME IDK HOW JUST PLZ DO IM TYPING THIS WHILE CRYING PLZ JUST SOMEONE HELP ME. (His bday is in 2days btw) ( and I actually felt better typing all this)
