Idk what to about my marriage anymore

We've been married for a year and I don't recognised my husband anymore. He used to be loving, caring and kind. Now everytime we go oit with friends he makes negative comments about me but cover them as jokes. He told everyone I don't do anything around the house, I don't cokk, I don't turn off the lights... I'm the only one working.

We had several talks about how this makes me feel but yesterday he madd another comment. Telling our friends how I never laugh, and I dislike all the shows he does. How basically I'm not funny because I don't like comedy show. The people we were with also criticise me all the times and already think I'm a kill joy, cold hearted bitch who's not funny. So I guess that just reassured them. Yesteday, I told him after everything we've been through since yes there's more to the story that I don't want to be with him anymore. We are in complicated situation I can't up and go so I was asking how we should act now. He wants to sort things out and try again. Today, I woke up feeling upset and like I don't matter to anyone which makes me cry for an hour. Mind you, I don't often cry. I don't like crying in front of people. I just bottle everything in and keep on with my day. Well today I cry, for an hour. My husband sitting right next to me pass me a tissue and put his hand on my side. I eventually stop crying and sit here in silence. Well he sits there and don't say anything for another 30 min. And then asks me if I'm hungry.

Am I right to be upset? He didn't ask why I was crying, what's hapoening in my head and just waits for it to pass so he can offer me food.

I'm seriously confused, hurt and so exhausted.

I'm not sure what to do...