The biggest scare of my life.


God can do miracles and he has! I came in to the er and was diagnosed with pyelonephritis and hypokalemia. I have had the condition for months and I've went to doctors, all who didn't listen to me and I was not treated properly. It got to the point where I was doubled over in pain and couldn't move. The infection had gotten so bad untreated that my white blood cell count was 19,000 and it was rapidly going higher. My pulse was staying at 130! I found out, after 8 months of trying, we were finally pregnant.. And I thought to myself "Really, you decided now was the best time?" It is a serious emergency and they had to get rid of this infection FAST before I became septic that has a mortality rate of 40%. We soon found out that this was a whole lot bigger than we ever thought it could have been. But, we prayed and prayed and knew God has this in his hands. I was in sepsis protocol and was put on very strong antibiotics. They soon knew they couldn't treat me any longer with how things were and I was sent via ambulance to another hospital. My amazing husband has been by me every single moment and has taken care of me. He followed me to the hospital and we got ready to fully fight this together. One hospital tested my hcg at 180 and the one after told me 150... That's not good. I was so scared my little nugget just couldnr stand how things were going and I would lose him/her. The doctors told me we would retest it in a couple days to see if it goes up, if it doesn't, there's nothing really to do. After being poked 10 different times with needles in my arms and hands for multiple tests, we also found something. E Coli. I was dumbfounded. How? The doctors were confused. That meant I was indeed septic. I had no idea what to think. First thing we did was pray. I was put on red tag and everyone who came in my room had to gown down including gloves and masks. Sleeping was hard that night, not knowing what would happen. All the questions in my head. The next morning, after praying all night and tossing and turning. The doctor came in and said the e coli I had wasn't growing and therefor it wasn't harmful and I wasn't septic after all.... Thank you God! My hcg came back and it has TRIPLED! Our little baby has made it through all of this, and actually is doing BETTER than expected. These last 7 days have been a Rollercoaster. I was scared at times and in a whole lot of pain the entire time and I still am, but I had my husband by my side and God in my mind. Miracles have happened. You never know how quickly life can change. Yesterday I didn't know if I would have a extra month in here and fight for my life, and now I'm told I'm getting out soon. Never underestimate the lord. This all means things are a lot more high risk and risky for our little bean, but our heads our high and we know he or she is strong.