Okay ladies I have been struggling terrible as of late. I had really started to think I was suffering from some mild depression, but it wasn’t constant. Then I realized my period is about a week away and google led me to PMDD....

I know I’m not a doctor, and I know at times you shouldn’t google symptoms because we’re always dying. But I honestly think PMDD is what I’m suffering from. I can remember all summer getting awful depression around the time of my period every month. This month, well Monday of this week I even contemplated suicide... there was no attempt but I genuinely thought about it for about half of my day.

All of these symptoms vanish on either the day before or two days into my period. I don’t have insurance, working on it. But I also don’t want to take a bunch of pills, definitely NOT birth control that messes with my body something awful. So that being said, what can I do to manage these symptoms?! Any advise is welcome!!!