8 years of school or military.


Both of the things I want to do for a career takes roughly 8 years.

Pathologist takes a bachelors (4 years) then 4 years of med school. Plus Maybe 2 years of internship. I’d be 28 almost 30 by the time I started my career.


I could go into the military, coast guard or something. 2-4 years, Have them pay for my bachelors and then get out and go to Med school. I’m ALSO told they give you credit hours for working or for doing things there?? (Is it true they just give out credit hours?). Or you can just take the test and get the credits for it without having to take the class. Something like that.

But I really really don’t want to go into the service.

Plus idk how much faster it’d be, like if it’s really worth it. If it’s significantly faster then yeah sure what’s 2 years of my life? But if it’s only 2 years off the 8 then i don’t really care for it.

Does this make sense? Can anyone help me out. Anyone have experience and advice with this??