Ovarian cysts


This year has been bad for me when it comes to ovarian cysts. I had one pop in July and then one rupture yesterday again. The first one I knew was there, because I got checked out in January for pain but it was too small they couldn’t do anything to it. So I left it alone. Come July 26, at work I felt this sudden sharp pain...much like a pinching. I went to the minor emergency room in which the doctor there shrugged it off and sent me home with pain killers. A few weeks ago by and my husband and I are intimate and I was more or less in tears because it hurt so bad. So I scheduled an appointment with my family doctor, who did a pelvic exam and a sonogram and turned out the cyst from January had grown and popped, and was leaking which was causing me the pain from July 26 up until the appointment September 4. So my doctor recommended to take folic acid or get pregnant to prevent these cysts, and we all know getting pregnant is just so easy. I just left it alone again. Yesterday around 11am, I had the same sudden sharp pinching again, but this time it was on the right side, so I figured it was my appendix. So I head to a different ER and they start tests on me right away. After blood, urine, fluids, and a CT scan and 3.5 hours they come back and tell me that I had a cyst rupture. I was shocked, because just 75 days ago, I had a cyst popped. So this time, my esteem is a bit low, I’m discouraged. My husband and I want to have a baby but my doctors are telling me to look into a birth control. Has anyone else had issues with this? Are there any other recommendations other than birth control to prevent ovarian cysts from growing or developing?