Vagina Rant!! 🤬

Okay, ladies! I’m so frustrated by my own body rn, I just need to talk about it for a second.

My husband and I just decided to start TTC! 🎉☺️ So I get off my birth control and wait for AF to arrive! ‼️ Well she never comes. Rude!!!

I then start taking ovulation tests faithfully and start getting positives!! I’m thinking at the time.... 🧐 Maybe... I could... possibly... consider those two days I bled to be a period?! Yeah... okay... let’s go with that!

So I’m all excited about getting positives and wonder if there is anything else I could do to see if I’m ovulating. I remember I can check my cervix... so I do! And when I remove my finger what do I find???? A YEAST INFECTION. 🤢

Yep... so the next morning (Sunday) I hop my very unhappy A$$ in the car and head to urgent care. Since I’m TTC, I wanted to get an opinion. My doctor does an exam and swab and sends it to the lab. She says I will have the results by THURSDAY. 😧🙄 She recommended I use an OTC antifungal, so I went straight to the store and bought the exact kind she recommended.

Monday rolls around and I’m now getting dull stomach pain here and there. By that evening I was in tears and had called the urgent care and was told to come in or go to the ER. I waited until the next morning.

Tuesday morning rolls around and I go to work. After work, I hop my now very itchy, burny, and VERY unhappy A$$ back into my car and go to urgent care once again.

This time no exam... however I’m now on an antibiotic and they think I also have BV. 😭

WHHHYYY couldn’t you have done this last month? Before we were TTC! Why now????

Also WHO gets both at once???!

I am annoyed.

I am frustrated.

But most of all...

I am itchy.

Thank you for listening to my vagina saga. 😉