Anxiety is through the roof

Lacey • Mommy to an Angel 1.14.16; wife 9.24.16; rainbow baby 4.4.17 && Baby #3 Due 4.28.20

I’m not sure if I can post this here, but I am a loss mom and I don’t know where to turn or who else to talk to as I haven’t experienced these feelings before and we haven’t posted on FB yet.

I’m currently 11 weeks 2 days with my 3rd baby (2nd rainbow... as I don’t like the term pot of gold).

I go next week for the 12 week ultrasound and it cannot come soon enough.

However, my anxiety about this baby is like nothing I’ve experienced before, not even with my daughter (who is 2.5 now). I am so worried that something is wrong with the baby... I’m nervous to hear the words “there’s no heart beat” or “you baby stopped growing at x weeks.” I thought I’ve been hearing the baby’s heart beat (I have a fetal Doppler), but turns out it was just my heart beat.... so that’s super disappointing and gut wrenching. This had made my anxiety even worse that before.

I don’t know how to get through this next 8 days. I plan on talking with the doctor at my prenatal appointment next week and I hope they listen and give me some guidance.