I can finally breathe

A year and a half ago I left my abusive ex. He not only was physical, mentally, but also sexually abusive. Because of him, Its really hard for me to trust people. I can no longer look men in the eye. And even though I am now with the most amazing man, he can't touch me a certain way or in a certain area. Because of him, my amazing and understand SO, sometimes walks in on me having a panic attack because something reminded me of that time.

Today though, I feel like I have my power back. While I was in the process of my escape plan, I found he had child pornography on his phone. Once I was able to leave I reported him. And TODAY I found out that he has been charged and has pleaded guilty. He is going to prison. I was so worried about having to testify if it came to a jury, but now I know he will be locked up and I don't have to relive these days in detail to others. I can finally breathe and live my life.