Paranoid about losing the baby...

I found out I was pregnant 2 days ago at 9 DPO with positive digital and standard tests. I’m SO happy and it doesn’t feel quite real yet. However, ever since then I haven’t slept and am consumed with worry that we’ll lose the baby and I’ll miscarry. I recognize that it’s irrational to be sooo worried about but I can’t stop thinking about it. I keep testing and getting worked up when the line is lighter even if I consciously know the urine is more dilute. I’m even refusing to workout with my husband for fear of that causing a miscarriage 🤦‍♀️ We’re not overly active people but we’ve been working out here and there the last few months.

Is anyone else struggling with this or have in the past? I’ve never even had a miscarriage but am painfully aware of the risk. Any advice on how to calm my mind? I’d really like to sleep better tonight!