Symptoms - will update final result. Updated to 15dpo

Ovulation day!

1dpo - normal, creamy cm.

2dpo - watery/ewcm(abit), very wet underwear

3dpo - v.mild cramping, white sticky cm. Still wet though.

4dpo - creamy cm. Normal.

5dpo - mild cramping, creamy wet cm.

6dpo - lower back ache (more like discomfort) mild cramping, underwear is very wet. But creamy on fingers.

7dpo - mild cramping. Wet creamy cm, very wet underwear.

8dpo - still very wet underwear in the AM, afternoon got lots of yellow tinged ewcm

9dpo - medium amount creamy cm, ewcm when wipe, mild cramping in pm.

10dpo - felt creamy cm on fingers, lots of eggwhite when wiping.

11&12dpo - realized I've been bloated last few days, soaked underwear needing to use pad so wet.. more ewcm. Mild cramping like AF starting?

13dpo- still super wet with LOTS of ewcm, everytime I wipe. Had an ache that turned into sharpish pains, lasted 10min, figured for.sure period starting. Still just ewcm. Not sure what is going on.

14dpo - ewcm continues. Noticed I've been feeling awfully lazy and off last few days. Throat feels off, thinking I'm coming down with a cold tis the season lol. Period is due ANYYYY time want to hold off testing until Friday. Ugh. More like a 3 week wait over here lol.

15dpo - woke up with a slight coldm stuffed nose had a sore throat but it's not bad. Just my sinuses stuffy. Ewcm still. Period was dur today I think. Not sure what day anymore. Feeling pretty normal, no signs of pregnancy ot or period. Few more days for testing!

Fingers crossed for a bfp in the near future. I will update what happens! I'm adding this because although cm isnt an indicator, this cycle is very abnormal for me. Which I think is the main thing even when symptom spotting. I haven't been obsessing, just tracking as usual. I obsessed last month and had weird symptoms and a week early period . Ha. So I am waiting this one out. I feel confident. We will see if the witch shows!