Am I right or wrong? Long story ahead..

Today has been very stressful. Started out good, ended horribly.

My husband says im over reacting and he's sick of me talking about it...

So this is what happened.

It was him, myself and 3 of our 5 children. Im currently 20 weeks pregnant. We left the house to run errands, we live about 30 minutes from any kind of store so it's a lot of back road driving until we hit a bigger town. Anyways, the speed limit is 35 mph where we were when this happened. My husband is behind 4 other cars who are doing the speed limit, claims he was being break checked so hits the gas and starts passing everyone... At this point it's a double solid with a hill you can't see over coming up. I started screaming... Crying hysterically because if someone in the opposite direction came over that hill, it would have been a head on accident... He got to the first car just as we got to the top of the hill and cut them off to get back in the right lane... At this point I was in full panic, my daughter was crying, I didn't want to go any further.. I asked him to take the kids and me home.. He said I could get out but im not taking my kids . So he slammed on the brakes and pulled over... Again, sending me into hysterics.. starts screaming at me, saying "I know what im doing" "you didn't die" "get over it" than started mocking me while I was crying.. he than punched it to get back in front of the other cars before they caught up.

No, we didn't get in an accident, BUT, we could have. He was reckless. He put not only all of our lives in danger but the passengers of the 4 other cars to. Everytime I bring it up (this just happened this afternoon) he tells me hes done taking about it, he didn't hurt anyone, I need to get over it... He's completely missing the real issue here. Lives could have been taken and he just doesn't care... Why? Because it didn't happen. Im so furious... What if a car did come over that hill??!! His response "I would have drove off the left side of the road" you know what was on the left side of the road? Trees... We would have slammed into trees!

He doesn't think he did anything wrong. He won't even hear what I have to say... My kids were in that car...😭 He just doesn't care!!!

So to make matters worse... After we got on a main road.. Because he refused to take us home... He kept pulling over to be an ass... Mocking me still... Going 15-20mph just to make fun of me and be cruel...

I told him I wished a cop or someone he passed called his plate in... Am I wrong for that? I honestly wish what he did was seen or reported. It was so unsafe. For everyone.

I know I can't be alone by thinking he's a fucking idiot!! But he insists im dramatic and looking for attention.

Can someone please give me feedback on this? Am I over reacting? I don't feel I am.