Update! Misdiagnosed or a miracle?


Hello! Sorry about the long post, I'll try to be as brief as I can. I would love everyone's thoughts! I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 years old. Classic symptoms: no period for months... even years at a time. Painful/heavy periods when they did show up, weight gain mostly on the belly and weird hair growth/loss. Later confirmed anovulation as an adult.

So my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant since we met- we both wanted babies so there was never any protection. After about 7 years, we sought medical help and for the last two years have tried metformin, progesterone and femara in various combinations.

We recently moved to Florida and found an amazing Endo that focuses in fertility and pcos. She did the bloodwork, (everything but my A1C came back normal), regular sonogram and then a saline infused sonogram. The first thing she said is that she looks for at least 10 follicles in each ovary before moving forward. I had 17 in one and 18 in the other! The bad news was my uterus. I had so many small polyps that there was nowhere for a baby to attach to. Plus my lining was way too thick. Apparently all the "periods" I had recently, were just all the polyps moving and bleeding. She said I probably had not had a period in over a year.

So fast forward to last Tuesday. I had a d&c with hysteroscopy done. I was supposed to have been under anesthesia for 30 minutes and it took almost an hour and a half! I have my post-OP appointment Tuesday and I'm terrified she found something bad and I wont be able to move forward with a pregnancy. Any advice or similar stories?

By the way- if you read all that, thank you.


So I had my follow up appointment and was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia. The doctor put me on 10mg of provera for 4 months, and then she wants to do another D&C to check if the abnormal cells are back. Plus they found that I currently have an infection from this surgery.

So our TTC has officially been postponed for at least 6 months 😞 I am trying to stay positive but from what I have read, our chances have lowered. She said that if I was not currently TTC, she would recommend an eventual Hysterectomy.