My boyfriend isn’t the same... advice?

So yes I am going to talk to him but I wanted to come here first and ask if I’m over reacting or if I’m in the right o be upset and frustrated. When me and my boyfriend started dating 2 and a half years ago he was all over me all he wanted was my attention and he couldn’t keep his eyes off me and now it’s not the same at all. And yes I know it changes after the two get comfortable with each other but this is a different type of change. We are with each other basically everyday whether it’s all day or for a few hours but when we’re together he wants nothing to do with me. I’ll lay my head on him to cuddle and he’ll say “oh yeah hi, hi how are you” very sarcastically like he doesn’t want me on him and he’ll let me lay there for a few then he’ll push me off or he will find a reason to get up. The only time he will kiss me is when I leave to go to work or if I ASK for one. We still have sex as frequently as we always have. And everything I say he’ll mark a remark that I’m stupid or he’ll be smart ass with a response, he never actually listens to me. But just his attitude towards me and his attention span for me has severely declined and I just need advice as to if I’m over reacting or if I should say something? I’m worried..