Am I wrong for keeping abusive ex away from his son?


Some of you might have seen my posts but yesterday I broke up with his dad, in return he choked me. I ran to the car (my mom & son where in there) he opened the door on my sons side after he just finished choking me, to try to unbuckle him so I was mushing his head to try to get him away so he literally reached over our son & punched me in my stomach INFRONT of my mom & his mom. & I was just telling him how my c section area was giving me sharp pains but 😐

I’m concerned about my sons safety because of his dads temper. He’s tackled me while I was pregnant. He yells at our son when he’s crying, low key shakes him when he won’t stop crying & yells at him when he grabs the spoon when he’s feeding him. This is only the beginning of frustrating things kids do & if he’s already losing his shit over him grabbing a spoon, I don’t think my son will be safe with him.

He’s been making me feel like all of this is my fault & “ if you didn’t make me so mad this wouldn’t happen” “it’s your fault for how I treat you I’m just a mirror of you”

I’ve called the police earlier today because of when he attacked me yesterday, I plan getting a restraining order against him & my family wants me to put him in child support. Because all he’s ever bought our son is 2 boxes of diapers so.. if any one has advice about court, custody agreements & things of that nature I would appreciate if you could inbox me!

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