Baby girl


So I don't know what or how to feel about my precious baby girl. At my 20wk appointment I not only found out I was having another girl but that she also has Spina bifida. Went to Houston, Tx to see the best specialist there in case I gave consent for them to do the surgery on her while in utero but found out she was under weight so they told me to wait until she was born so that the doctors at the hospital I'll deliver at (NOLA) can do her surgery. I also found out she has IUGR. Here we are and I'm 31+2 and baby girl is still under weight, she's officially 2.5 lbs which is good but not that great and she moved down to the 9th percentile so now I have to be monitored twice a week doing ultrasounds and NSTs. Trying to keep her in until 39wks but she can come as early as 37wks or earlier depending on how these ultrasounds and NSTs look to the MFM doctor. Also this little girl will be my first C-section.