Telling your kids your pregnant 🤦🏽‍♀️


I have two girls from my first marriage and two girls from my second. I’m now expecting baby? Number 5. I have an extremely shitty ex who I fought for custody because he said since I wouldn’t be with him he was gonna take the only things I loved and unfairly he won (long story) so we share custody however he lives where I can’t afford. My girls stay with him majority of the time and I get them for spring and summer break not the whole thing because he takes them early or keeps them longer before giving them to me, won’t even let me talk to them daily or for months at time ( story for another day different states away) anyway I finally got to talk them they are 9 and 7 my two younger ones are 3 and 1 they love being older sisters.

Me: I have something big to tell you girls! Can you guess what it is?

My oldest: “your gonna have a baby, that’s my guess”

Me: what makes you say that?

oldest: “because you have a lot of those”🤦🏽‍♀️ speechless me: ya your right!

Oldest: “ok, well we need a boy because there is a lot of girls”

me: oh believe me I know, I’m praying for a boy as well!

My 5yr old niece told my sister no more babies this is too crazy, and she told me when I told her I’m pregnant nooo that’s too many babies well you need to have a boy because these girls are crazy 😳 between me and my sisters I have four sisters four daughters and three nieces my niece and my daughter are both three and my other niece and my youngest are both 1 our hands our full! God help this baby if it is a boy!