People Already Forgot About Him...

A guy I was really good friends with committed suicide a year ago today.

It was the day before our HSC, I’d compare that to the SAT tests in America.

We were all so devastated, I remember seeing him the day before and chatting. Obviously we all got special consideration under the circumstances.

I remember the service we held for him, his entire grade of 300 people came as well as friends from other schools - myself included. The speeches were amazing.

The pamphlet from that day is on my wall, and I look at it every single day.

We were really good friends, but never hung out 1 on 1, always as a group. Sometimes chatted on social media, but we saw each other a lot irl.

It’s been a year today, so I sent out a message to all of our friends saying if anyone needed to talk I’m only a phone call away and that I was thinking of everyone.

Several people who he saw every single day at school asked “what’s today?”

It just makes me sad, that it’s only been a year and people seem to have already forgotten him :(

Someone even said “the past is the past, it’s all good”

I know everyone responds differently to death, but I’m very committed to thinking about him most days.