I’m so tired of the abuse

No one can make me feel like my husband does. My husband can make feel like no one else in the world can when he wants to but on the same side of that no one can hurt me like him. No one can make me feel as small and as insignificant as he can. No one can make me wish I could crawl into a hole and die the way he can. He’s been sick here lately and asked that I stop and get dinner on my way home from work tonight. So I did. When I got home we were standing in the kitchen and he told me he found hydrocodone and took some. Alls I said was I don’t know if it’s a fever reducer. He went OFF he called me an idiot and made me feel like the worst person in the world. My mom has a drug habit that started with pills and with the pills came harder stuff and with the harder drugs came more the more brutal beating and the more embarrassment when she’d forget to pick me up or come stumbling into an event so stoned she barely knew who I was. So yes I hate narcotic like pills but all I said was I didn’t know if it was a fever reducer. He accused me of not wanting him to feel better because I have a “personal vendetta” again pills. I’m currently locked in the bathroom crying my eyes out because it hurts. It hurts to be called stupid. It hurts to have my own trauma used against me. This is almost a daily occurrence. Last night we were laying in bed and he was watching something in tv and I was trying to talk to him about the up coming birth of our second daughter. I was excited and he snapped and told me how annoying I was and that I should just shut up. I’m so tired of being abused.