Ouch my feelings

My SO and I got into it over something dumb .... paint colors

He said I hate arguing I don’t want it

I said every relationship couples have arguments and disagreements

He said if that’s true hmmmm ya I rather be single

I started crying but he didn’t acknowledge it and ignored me all evening

I said what you said earlier hurt my feelings

He said what did I say? What did I do wrong now? Here we go blame me for more shit and twist my words

I repeated what he said

He said gee wonder why because of you twisting my words telling me what I did wrong etc

I said I don’t twist words or blame you for anything

He said yup deny and like always you are blaming me for hurting your feelings what about my feelings?!??

I said we are discussing my feelings you never brought yours up

He said of course everything is about you never me fuck you Melanie fuck you

So I apologized

I said I’m sorry for what transpired it was stupid and petty

He responded What I read was blown way out of portion like always and see always making smart comments it was stupid and petty whatever

I said it’s not a smart comment?

He said it always is with you

But I know tomorrow he will be all I love you and give me kisses and hugs

Btw we rarely argue

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