Similar labor/birth to the women in your family?

I’m curious about this...

My mother had me at 37+2. I was 7lb 3oz and healthy. I was her first born and her water broke before contractions. I’ve had a gut feeling my baby girl will come soon as I’ve been having a lot of cramping/BH that have been progressing. But I’m a FTM so who knows. I’m 36+5 now and just have a gut feeling she’s coming within the next week or so (though I would be okay with her cooking longer).

However, she doesn’t remember having BH or period cramping leading up to labor.

My aunt (her sister) had BH and cramping. Our pregnancies sound very similar. She didn’t have her sons until 39 weeks.

I’m just curious to see if any of you had similar pregnancies as the women in your family. I have read that early labor can be genetic, though I wasn’t premature, I was still on the early side of full term.

I know baby girl will come whenever she’s ready and meant to, but like to keep my mind busy with information haha.