Special Treatment: One Advantage to Announcing Early

Lacy • 1st born baby May 28th 2020/ TTC #2

I know there have already been several posts asking when people are announcing for their June 2020 babies... and of course you can only do what’s best for you!

I just wanted to post my one little advantage I’ve been experiencing.

My hubby and I have been in fertility treatments and have been doing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>’s. So, our immediate families already knew this and this had a rough idea of when we would find out.

Therefore, we did tell our parents and siblings only, right away. (Everyone else will find out on Thanksgiving)

The best thing about them all knowing is that I have totally gotten special treatment!

This is my first pregnancy and will be the first grand baby on both sides of the family.

I’m having incredibly bad morning sickness and have a hard time doing much of anything. And I haven’t had to!

Everyone is running my errands, buying me things to help remedy the sickness, making me food and delivering it to me. Etc.

Even though I’m still feeling miserable, it has definitely been nice not having to do a whole lot other than working!

I think I’m gonna keep milking it while I can cause this never happens. So,might as well take advantage, right?!?