How to not offend when you don’t want visitors...? A bit long

Our second child is due in February and we’re planning on doing things a bit differently this time than we did with our first child. With our first I was induced and my entire family (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles) and my in-laws were all at the hospital. I didn’t mind them being there in the waiting room but they all came in while I was in labor, even after the nurse told them we were trying to rest. My parents came in every hour (18 hours of labor then c-section) and the rest of my family and in-laws made 1-4 appearances in our room as well. There was no privacy and no time to rest before having to push. Once our baby was born she was taken to the nicu. My parents were at the hospital all day everyday after that (we were there 5 days). Along with my parents were all of my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, in-laws, etc. there was little time to bond with our new baby and we had no idea how important those first few days are since we were first time parents and felt like we had to make everyone else happy. We were also supposed to escort people into the nicu to see the baby (she was in there for 3 days)...the staff wasn’t supposed to let anyone in without my husband or myself...yet my grandmother went in without anyone knowing and spent time with my baby without asking us first. I can’t stand how everyone feels entitled to my child. Once we got home my mother was with us every single day all day and into the evening. We had no chance to establish ourselves as a family and get into our own routine. She would come over to “help” but only just held our baby. Thinking back it infuriates me. It was selfish. Instead of encouraging us to bond with our baby she was worried about her own connection with the baby. We also had a revolving door of other guests as well each day. It was exhausting. But we felt like we had to do it. Now I know we don’t have to and this time around I want little to no visitors at the hospital or at home for those first couple of weeks, but I know my family will be offended by this idea. How do I tell them without offending?