Still not using actual words

I feel like an absolute failure as a mother. My daughter is still not using actual words. She babbles non stop all day long and she swears she’s actually talking and will act like she’s having a full blown conversation with me but I have no clue what she’s saying.. every so often she’ll say an actual word like ball.. but it’s still a little hard to understand and that will be maybe once a week. She’s in speech therapy 2-3 times a week... but I really don’t see a difference and it’s been about 7 months. I feel like she’s not as advanced as other kids her age in other areas.. she’s perfectly healthy & extremely advanced in any physical areas.. but I’m beyond stressed about it because I feel like maybe I’m just not doing enough with her. It’s hard because it’s only me doing stuff with her all day since I’m a sahm but I really wish my husband would help some. Seriously all he does when he’s not at work is play video games and completely ignores her or I, I’ve tried asking for help but he refuses. Is anyone else’s child not speaking? Anyone have any tips on helping to encourage speaking?