Tried online dating. Should i be worried or not?


So after being single for over a year I decided to install Bumble last week to try and see if brings me better luck than Tinder. 😅

And I did match up with a guy on the same day I installed it. We chatted for a day and I was amazed that it was a pretty good convo. Next day he asked me out and I said yes. We went to McDonalds because I was craving it so bad (was on my period 😂). And we had an ever better conversation in person. He was really nervous and trying to hide it which I thought was cute. He took me home afterwards. We kept chatting the entire weekend and he broke some sad news last Tuesday. He was being reassigned to another city 😩. He told me that he wasn’t sure how to tell me and he could’ve ghosted me since it would’ve been easier. But he didn’t to tell me because I deserved to know and he didn’t want to leave me hanging. I was a bit sad by it because it was going so good 😩😩😩. Day after that, he asked me if I was free for coffee and I said yes again. So we went out for a second date and we ended up kissing after the date (he asked permission btw). One thing led to another and I had the best sex I’ve ever had. He made me feel like a queen 😍 and took me home afterwards. We kept chatting until yesterday.

This morning he messaged me saying that he was deleting the app and left his number. And i did send him a message. No reply yet. I’m just assuming that he’s busy at work because he’s leaving for a business trip tomorrow morning.

I’ve been ghosted before so I’m probably overthinking it. But should I be worried or no?