Text Tone


So my boyfriend Matthew works at a printing company. He's been trying to convince his manager Lori for over a year to hire another person to do sales. Well I used to work at a printing company a couple years ago and was in a sales position. Matthew liked how my manager at the time Brandon had his sales people's commission and bonuses structured. So he asked me to compose an email in detail describing my party structure because Matthew wanted to pose the same thing to his manager Lori.

Matthew did ask me a few months ago to compose this email for him. He also asked me the first week of my classes starting. I've been busy working a full time job and taking 2 classes. My classes just ended Tuesday of this week. So I just have the text conversation with Matthew and I don't know if I'm being dramatic by being upset how the text went? Or am I reading into him having a tone via text?

I feel like he just texted me to remind me and make me feel guilty and bad for not remembering. If it was so important to him he could have reminded me. But the fact that he said it was too late and he already had something in mind why bother mentioning it because clearly I had forgotten.

Am I wrong for being upset? Is there something I could have said differently? Or am I a jerk for forgetting in the first place?